I’m linking up with Courtney and the DC gang. Today I’m linking up for the Friday Five with Courtney, Mar, and Cynthia. Make sure you check out their awesome blogs as well as those who join the link up!
September means that race season is almost here. The long runs of marathon training have started. Now is the time to figure out the details of race fueling, using long runs as test cases. Now I’m not perfect, and everyone reacts differently to running nutrition. But I have run enough races to learn what works and how to experiment. Here are my 5 go-to race fuels.

1. Electrolytes! For my early years of running, I was a mostly water and a little Gatorade kind of girl. This summer, I’m trying out Nuun on long runs. I plan to try Tailwind as well. I really liked Taxofit during my Euro marathon in the spring- does anyone know if it’s sold in the US?
2. Gels. I still have some PowerAde gels, but every year I’m less and less a fan of the texture. On the plus side, the pack well during long runs and races. When I run out, I’m not sure what I’m going to do about replacing.
3. Pretzels. Sometimes on long runs I like a little bit of salt and actually chewing helps settle my stomach. The breadiness can absorb all of the water and liquids consumed, which helps to keep me from feeling sick in that later miles.
4. Fruit (fruit snacks, frozen grapes, dried fruit). Oh sugar. This is like healthy sugar, right? Easy to digest, quick energy, tasty bites.
5. Skittles. This is my marathon/20 mile+ treat. For me, there is nothing better than having (or at least knowing I can have) some Skittles at about mile 16-24. For races, I prefer to pick up a little Ziploc from whomever is cheering for me, so I can have a few as I need them in the last 10 miles. Extra sugar for the win! And, it gives my mouth something else to taste besides gels, water and Gatorade.
What do you use to fuel during races? And how did you go about seeing if it was right for you?

13 Thoughts on “Friday Five: My 5 Go-To Mid-Race Fuels

  1. I also use gels! I’ve realized that I can not chew and run at the same time (perhaps it’s the fear of choking). For that reason I void candy and sports beans.

    • Christina on September 13, 2016 at 9:56 am said:

      I can eat 1-2 skittles at a time and still run, but I also have a hard time with gels and running. I tend to eat them as I walk through a water stop for example.

  2. ooh I like the skittles idea! Pretzels are great on long bike rides too

  3. I fueled Marine Corps Marathon with rice krispy treats. They were perfect (and are one of my favorite comfort foods). Reminds me that I need to pick some up this week to get through my long runs in the next few weeks.

    I can’t remember the last time I used gels to fuel a race or long run.

  4. I can’t use gels, but do like honey stinger chews. I’m a big fan of gummy bears too! I like the idea of fruit and pretzels. I tend to do those things on long runs when I’m not pressed for time and can stop!

  5. interesting what you said about Taxofit! I’m going to be running Berlin soon and that is what is provided somewhere around the 30KM marker… maybe I should check it out! I usually use SIS electrolytes and gels. I just can’t get past the texture of PowerBar.

    what sort of pretzels? I guess the little round ones pack better than the sticks?

    and skittles! I never thought of this. I’m going to try that this weekend at my 10mile race!

    great tips, thank you! I’m still trying to figure it all out. It’s my 6th marathon and I’m still tinkering with what works and what doesn’t…

    • Christina on September 13, 2016 at 9:42 am said:

      I haven’t used SIS before, and for me, using Taxofit on raceday with no prior experience was a risk, but it worked for me. I like that it wasn’t sugary.

      For pretzels, I think the thin, little sticks pack alright, or round ones. I don’t tend to pack my own most times- at waterstops or spectator tables in the US they are usually put out, so I just grab one or two.

      I know what you mean about tinkering- every summer I try something a little different- products keep changing and so does my running!

  6. I’m a Nuun fan all the way! I also like gels over chews during marathon training. I have taken swedish fish and gummy bears sometimes. Do the skittles melt and get all weird? That’s my worry because otherwise they are yummy!

    • Christina on September 13, 2016 at 9:39 am said:

      I haven’t ever had skittles melt. I keep them in a little Ziploc so they don’t get wet, and only for the days I need them. Nuun has been working for me so far this summer. 🙂

  7. You know I’m a big Tailwind gal – I absolutely love it!

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