I’m joining Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five 2.0 linkup! This week’s theme is a 5 Sports/Activities You Wish You Had Time For Instead of Running. Tomorrow is the Richmond Marathon, so I may even have time to try some over the next month or two as I recover and my mileage is down.
- Swimming. I swam growing up, and was part of a swim team from middle school through my first year of college. I haven’t made swimming a priority since then, since it seems to take more time (in my mind at least). I still swim sometimes- mainly on vacation. I need to figure out of if I can swim at a local high school. Any northern VA tri athletes have recommendations?
- Hiking. I love to walk and to be outside, so hiking is the combination of the two in a non-urban environment. Right now, my Saturdays are pretty committed with running in the mornings and then other activities. I would like to hike more regularly- maybe Sunday afternoon hikes are a thing?
- Orange Theory. I have friends who love it, and I know it’s mostly cardio, but I like trying new things. I think the variety would appeal to me. And, I keep getting offers to try a free class. So in December perhaps?
- Spinning. I would love to reintegrate spinning into my life. Whether at Gold’s Gym, or trying out classes at spin studios (so many I haven’t tried!). You work hard, but the impact on legs and feet isn’t as great as running. Which means I can spin and run, or spin and do other active things, like archery, kettlebell, standard weightlifting.
- Yoga. I occasionally do yoga at home or very rarely at a studio by my house. When I do it regularly, I can tell that I get stronger and more flexible. I know that there are so many styles and it doesn’t have to be an hour or hour and a half each day. If I could find a 5 minute sequence to do every day, I think that would be a great start.
Bonus: As a non-physical activity, I would love to get more into art again. Painting specifically. But that requires mental time and space more than anything.
Do you have any recommendations for places I should try these things? What would you try if you had a few extra hours in the week?
Oh I love how you included art in the mix!
Thanks! I miss being creative like that.
I hear you on alot of this — specifically the yoga, the art, and the swimming. 10 minute solution series does have several good yoga DVDs & Christine Felstead’s is broken down into mostly 10 min chapters — I use it a lot! I actually do have some that are even shorter.
Thanks for the recommendations- I think I’ll look into those! I’m excited to start doing some of these now that my marathon is over.