What a month! I can’t believe it’s been that long since I’ve posted, and yet, I can’t believe the time has gone so fast! Ch-Ch-Changes:
A month ago I found out that I had just over a week to move. I had been looking for someone to take over my lease for over 2 months, but didn’t want to live out of suitcases and boxes with no real place to store them. And then, all of a sudden, I found someone who wanted to move before March 1. Cue panic! Luckily, I had already done my apartment shopping, and was able to secure a place in the apartment complex I wanted. I signed a lease and started to move to things myself, with the big move happening 8 days after I agreed to move.
Unfortunately, due to the weather changes (it was over 60 on moving day in late February), no sleep, stress, etc- I got sick right before moving day and am still fighting the last remnants of a cough. I’m grateful that I had help moving, unpacking, putting together furniture, and that my boyfriend made sure I had healthy meals during that crazy weekend.
Then it was my birthday, and my little sister came to visit me. She was a great sport about helping me unpack and organize, and even did a trip to Ikea with me for a couch! We also celebrated with pedicures, tiramisu, and a pizza dinner with friends.
I’m still working to unpack and organize, get used to my new commute (even though I’ll have to adjust again next month with the metro work is over), find my new grocery stores, and settle into life once more.
With all of the moving and serious cold, my workouts kind of fell apart, but this week I recommitted to being consistent. With running, with blogging, with connecting with family and friends.
In the past week, I went to 2 kettlebell classes, where I successfully single arm strict pressed 16kg with each arm! I’ve done that before, but it’s been almost a year, so this was a great mental motivator. I also got a massage, and went to a functional movement class where we focused on hollow (anterior chain?) tension. This is great for me to get better at loosening up my back, building core strength, and hanging (my pre-step to maybe one day doing a pull-up). I also ran both Saturdays, but not during the week. I’m going to work on running twice a week, in addition to the weekend, over the next two weeks. I was pleasantly surprised today to run 8.5 miles at a sub-10:00 pace. I was running with faster friends, and we got deep in conversation, so I didn’t notice how fast it felt like we were going until we hit a steep hill. So in the midst of craziness, it feels really good to be getting back in the groove again.