Happy Monday! Summer is definitely here- it’s hot, humid, June and we’ve celebrated Global Running Day on June 1.
One of the big drivers behind me starting this blog is for accountability. I have had a really hard time this past year being consistent with my weekday runs. I’m in Arlington Road Runners, so my Saturday runs are always with the group. Knowing that people are counting on me to be there, and that I’ll have friends to run with is enough motivation for me to not miss or sleep in. But weekday runs…. I have hit the point where I can run a marathon with just 2-3 runs in 7 days, but it’s not my best. So, I’m working on consistency and accountability.
This past week, I’m working on coming back from a very light month of running post-marathon. I ran 4 days last week with a total mileage of 12.34 miles. Additionally, I had 2 cross-training days (one of deadlifting in the gym, one kettlebell class with Functional Fitness).
My current fall races are the Baltimore Half Marathon in October, and the Richmond Full Marathon in November. My plan is part-Hansons, part my running group. Here is my basic schedule- we’ll see how the schedule in the rest of my life goes and what changes I have to make.
Fall 2016 Running Schedule