It seems fitting the in advance of the anniversary of launching this blog 3 years ago that I write my first post in over 2 years.

I have a whole list of post ideas, and photos… and not a single word written. In my own defense, the popularity of blogging has decreased while Instagram has gone up, and I’ve been busy. I went to Peru for 2 weeks, got engaged, got married, bought a house, got promoted. I’ve been spending more time on IRL activities. You get the idea.


But I now I want to return to writing. Not just the Insta-perfect everything is good kind of writing. More the here’s how life actually is, here’s what worked for me kind of writing.

  • So here’s a list of what I’m going to try to write about in the next month or two:
  • Running! Race recaps, summer training, the ups and downs
  • Travel: Peru recap, honeymoon in Singapore, VA Beach, taking someone to NYC and Philly for their first visits, Tokyo, Taiwan, France, Georgia (the country), packing for solo and couple travel
  • Adventure: What I’ve learned house-hunting and buying a house, adjusting to new life routines; completing my first sprint triathlon!

I’m going to Peru in May! I’m so excited, and I thought I would take my readers along with me- through the different parts of planning and the trip itself. Once a month through June, I’ll post about how trip planning and preparation is going, the trip itself, and lessons learned. Read More →

I’ve been in a dreaming mood lately. And not in an escapist kind of way. More of a “excited for the possibilities that life holds” kind of way. Some people call it a bucket list. To some it’s a to-do list. For me, I call them dream or life lists of the things I dream about doing. Read More →

Unless you live in a major urban center in America, you may not take public or mass transit except when you travel. Navigating public transit in a country where you can’t use your phone and may not speak the language can present challenges but also some great rewards. Here are my tips to make taking public transportation easier when traveling internationally.

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Guys, I had a great week! Weekly recaps help me stay accountable, see weekly progress, set small goals, and check in with the world. I like seeing how others are doing- the good, the not-so-good. I think as runners we have so much we can learn from each other. I’m Linking Up With the Jess’s- and -check them out for other weekly recaps! I’m also linking with my friend Courtney at Read More →