I’m going to Peru in May! I’m so excited, and I thought I would take my readers along with me- through the different parts of planning and the trip itself. Once a month through June, I’ll post about how trip planning and preparation is going, the trip itself, and lessons learned. Read More →

I’ve been in a dreaming mood lately. And not in an escapist kind of way. More of a “excited for the possibilities that life holds” kind of way. Some people call it a bucket list. To some it’s a to-do list. For me, I call them dream or life lists of the things I dream about doing. Read More →

Unless you live in a major urban center in America, you may not take public or mass transit except when you travel. Navigating public transit in a country where you can’t use your phone and may not speak the language can present challenges but also some great rewards. Here are my tips to make taking public transportation easier when traveling internationally.

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